When you should work with a coach

Working with a coach is not only an investment of your time and energy, but also your finances, which sometimes can make it hard to pull the trigger on doing it. Even though it is my true belief that everyone needs a coach or be involved in some type of personal development program, it sometimes does not seem feasible. There are certain circumstances and mindsets where I believe that a coach can help you up level in a big way, and I’m going to share them with you!

You are feeling lost.


You have a goal in mind, or perhaps no goal in mind, and are not sure of the next steps. That is where mindset work is so crucial to your success, and sometimes having someone to lead you through these exercises, can be pivotal to your success. Sometimes talking to someone who is outside of your situation, but yet invested in your success, is an amazing resource.

Many of my clients come to me with “I am not sure about my next steps, my job, my growth etc”, and I am honoured to hold that space for them to be able to talk about these things that are on their hearts. Starting with a strengths-based approach, we figure out how to build to a space in your personal growth journey that you are happy with.

For myself, when I am feeling lost, I engage in a lot of journaling and connecting with my own coaches for clarity. It is amazing how I am always able to walk away with so many nuggets of information.

You have a goal, but no idea how to make it happen.

We’ve all been there. We have a goal in our minds, maybe it is a new business or a personal goal you are trying to reach, and we have no idea how to start. A lot of this begins with ourselves and stepping into our own power, but working with a coach gives you a boost where you have a second set of eyes and ears on your dreams. There is nothing I love more than a strategy session with my clients where we dream for their business, and we start to see actionable steps that they can take towards their big goals.

I take big goals and make them small habits in your daily life and week that you are able to sustain to see success. 10 minutes of this turns into consistently being 1% better every single day, which will make huge impacts on your goals.

You just want to level up.

You’re ambitious, and I can see it. I’m the same way - I am committed to my own development in a big way. I have worked with coaches and mentors even when I am feeling content with life and things are going well to constantly be challenged. If you have an area in your life that you want to level up in, do so, and lean into it with a coach who can help you see the potential of your dreams.

Think of an area you want to level up in, and start following experts in this area. Choose a coach you want to work with by getting to know them through social, and see if they are someone who you want to have in your corner, and on your team. If that is me (and you can learn more here!), amazing, but there are so many different talented service providers who are so happy to keep your dreams with them to help you grow.


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